Join the International Chaar Appaloosa Horse Association

Each membership is one step closer to our goal of reviving the Kyrgyz heritage horse.

Chaar Appaloosa horses are a special breed known for their distinct spotted coats and exceptional versatility. Unfortunately, this breed is facing several challenges, including inbreeding, habitat loss, and overbreeding. As a result, preserving this breed is crucial.

Anyone can join the Association for only 10 euros per year. The annual fees we receive from our association members help us protect our herds, increase the overall numbers and launch cultural projects in Kyrgyzstan.

Member benefits:

Join a Community

Become a member of a community of like-minded individuals: As a member of the association, you'll gain access to a community of Appaloosa horse enthusiasts from all over the world. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with others who share your passion for these beautiful animals.

Events & Workshops

Opportunities to participate in events: The association hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including exclusive rides, clinics, and educational seminars. These events offer members the chance to learn about the breed and meet other Appaloosa enthusiasts.

First Access to Products

Members get a heads up on any new product launches before we go live to the public, and get the best possible price. We often partner with artists and produce handmade or thoughtful merchandise to help support our conservation efforts.

Access to Updates & Resources

Access to educational resources: The International Chaar Appaloosa Horse Association is committed to providing its members with access to the latest information and resources related to Chaar Appaloosa horses. This includes articles, videos, and other educational materials.

Support the Project - Join the Association


Standard Annual Membership

Join our registered association today for just 10 euros per year and become a part of our vibrant community. Our association welcomes anyone who is interested in reviving the Chaar horse breed, no special entry criteria required. By joining us, you'll have access to exclusive content and resources that will enhance your passion and understanding of the Chaar horses.

Please note: currently Currently we can only accept payments with card via Paypal. If you are in Kyrgyzstan and would like to join, please contact us here, and we will send you the local bank details and add you to the members area.